V našem vsakdanjiku lahko opazimo, da se svet danes spreminja vedno hitreje. Od ponudnika transportnih in logističnih storitev se pričakuje prilagodljivost, fleksibilnost, kreativnost, varnost in zanesljivost. Ravno zaradi tega se na področju transporta in logistike kreirajo nove oblike sodelovanja, ki prinašajo ogromno prednosti za odjemalce transportnih in logističnih storitev. Zaradi vsega navedenega se je kreiralo novo, mlado in inovativno podjetje - DANZTRANS, ki ga odlikujejo 30-letne izkušnje v panogi. Podjetje stremi svojim strankam ponuditi hitre, fleksibilne, zanesljive, varne in pravočasne transportne in logistične rešitve, kar pomeni, da smo vedno na lovu za aktivnimi rešitvami za svoje stranke. Stremimo k razvoju novih produktov in idej, s ciljem zadovoljiti potrebe strank v celoti. Strankam zagotavljamo strokoven pristop s široko paleto izkušenj in visoko kakovostjo storitev po konkurenčnih cenah.
International road transport
International Road Part (LTL) and complete (FTL) transport
International road special transport "over-size cargo"
Additional cargo insurance in international or national transport "cargo insurance"
Storage of goods
National road transport across Slovenia within 24 hours (delivery and takeover)
Customs brokerage in import, export and transit
Support for transport companies
Railway FCL and LCL transport China-Europe
"We offer comprehensive transport and logistics services at competitive prices to all our customers. We create solutions for you. We create partnerships with you."
From/to EU:
IT, AT, DE, BE, NL, LUX, DK, PL, CZ, SK, HU, TR, West Balkan
From/to CIS destinations:
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia
From/to destination of the Caucasus:
Georgia, Armenia, Azarbaijan
From/to destinations:
Iran, Irak, Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Afganistan, Sirija, Kitajska
The founder of the company, Danijel Novak, has 30 years of experience in the field of transport and logistics. He gained his experience in the companies DEMADA d.o.o., WELZ d.o.o., at the leading positions of Logwin Road & Rail doo, Quehenberger Logistics doo, Fersped, doo, DHL Logistika doo and the company Globus doo, Metlika. The guideline of his work is to provide solutions to his clients. It is aware that responsiveness, flexibility, speed, precision and trust are essential in transport and logistics services, which is why it has decided to provide this service to its customers. The company works in close cooperation with partners who are transport operators, and they take care of all other aspects that are essential in logistics and transport.
Božena Kragulj is a custom clearance expert. Has almost 25 years of experience in the field. She started in logistics industry as railway expert at Slovenian Railway Holding, developed her skills in WELZ, LOGWIN ROAD & RAIL, QUEHENBERGER LOGISTIKA and Augimount Logistics. Last 20 year she dedicated her carrier in the field of custom clearance, regulation and law. She enjoys working with people, offering consulting and solutions. Her motto is - Live Simply. Have big Dreams. Be Grateful. Give Love. Laugh a Lot.
Robert Habjan is a custom clearance expert. Has almost 25 years of experience in the field. He started in logistics industry as groupage expert at WELZ Slovenian, developed his skills in LOGWIN ROAD & RAIL, QUEHENBERGER LOGISTIKA and Augimount Logistics. Last 20 year he dedicated his carrier in the field of custom clearance, regulation and law. He is quiet, dedicated, focused and professional at fulfilling his tasks. His motto is – ALL CAN BE DONE!
Katja is a transport commercialist-transport organizer. She has more than 20 years of experience in sales and a couple in marketing, both with products and services in MANGO, SPRINGFIELD, ILIRIJA d.d.. She has also worked abroad and has very good communication and negotiation skills, is always friendly and does her very best for every client. Her motto is - Always give 110%, but stay true to yourself.
Contact us
If we have awaken an interest in you, we invite you to contact us. Together we can create solutions tailored to your needs. We are looking forward to your call.
DANZTRANS d.o.o., Transport in Logistika
Letališka cesta 16
1000 Ljubljana - SLOVENIJA / EU
Tel. +386 (0)1 3200 502
Mobile: +386 (0) 41 646 918
E-mail: danijel.novak@danztrans.si
Tel. +386 (0)1 620 26 07
Mobile: +386 (0) 30 640 140
E-mail: carina@danztrans.si