Why working with us?

We offer full transportation and logistics services at competitive price range to all our clients. We create solutions. With you we create partnership.

Personal contact

Quality, responsiveness, accuracy, reliability, responsibility, communicativeness and staff experience.

Flexible solutions

We are developing fully customizable solutions for our customers.


We respond quickly and flexibly to customer demand.

Flexibility, flexibility, creativity, security and reliability are expected from the provider of transport and logistics services. This is precisely why new forms of cooperation are created in the field of transport and logistics, which bring enormous advantages for the customers of transport and logistics services. Due to all this, a new, young and innovative company - DANZTRANS, created by a 25-year industry experience. The company strives to offer its customers fast, flexible, reliable, safe and timely transport and logistics solutions, which means that we are always on the hunt for active solutions for our customers. We strive to develop new products and ideas in order to satisfy the needs of our customers as a whole. We provide customers with a professional approach with a wide range of experience and high quality services at competitive prices.
We are looking for solutions - we create partnerships.

Meet our Team

Danztrans zaposluje ekipo logističnih strokovnjakov.


Owner and CEO

Danijel has almost 30 years of experiences in the transport and logistics industry. His guide to his work is enabling solutions for their clients.


Custom clearance expert

Božena is a custom clearance expert. She has 25 years of experiences in the industry. Last 20 year she dedicated her carrier in the field of custom clearance, regulation and law.


Custom clearance expert

Robert is a custom clearance expert. He has 25 years of experiences in the industry. Last 20 year he dedicated her carrier in the field of custom clearance, regulation and law.


Transport commercialist-transport organizer

Katja has more than 20 years of experience in sales and marketing. She has excellent communication and negotiation skills, and has also worked extensively abroad.

Clients about Us

Urška Janežič


"Flexible, responsive, reliable - I really recommend working with them.” 5*

Katjuša Cokan

Kozama Ljubljana

"Reliable, responsive, fast and affordable.” 5*


Dobrodelni zaključek 2023

Dobrodelni zaključek 2023 Ob izteku leta se radi ozremo nazaj in spomnimo na vse dobro, ki se je v letu zgodilo. Z veliko hvaležnostjo v srcu mislimo na naše zveste stranke, podpornike in prijatelje. Brez Read more...

Izjemna ocena podjetju DANZTRANS

Pred nekaj dnevi smo se razveselili ocene kakovosti našega podjetja s strani naše stranke. V vseh točkah smo se odrezali odlično in pridobili najvišjo možno oceno – A. Ponosni smo, da je bila prepoznana kakovost naših storitev in ocenjena z najvišjim možnim številom točk. Da se vedno potrudimo doseči cilje naših strank je potrdila tudi najvišja ocena v kategoriji doseganja želenih dobavnih rokov.

Danztrans praznuje 2. rojstni dan!

Dragi poslovni partnerji in podporniki podjetja DANZTRANS! Veseli in ponosni smo, da 18.9.2019 obeležujemo 2. obletnico delovanja. Naše vodilo so zadovoljne stranke, odlični odnosi s poslovnimi partnerji ter iskanje inovativnih rešitev na področju logistike. V Read more...
